Wilson Agung Pranoto
An Indonesian citizen, 43 years old, domiciled in Jakarta. Appointed as President Director of the Company since 2005. Previously served as Director of the Company (2004–2005). Currently, he is also President Director of PT Maco Amangraha (2004–present), Director of PT Tiga Berlian Electric (2019–2022) and Commissioner of PT Tiga Berlian Electric since 2022. Appointed as President Director of the Company by AGMS resolution on May 16, 2019.
Graduates of Industrial Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA, in Obtained his Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree jointly awarded by Northwestern University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, in 2013.
Albert Sugianto
An Indonesian citizen, 57 years old, domiciled in Jakarta. Appointed as Director of the Company since May 2017. Previously served as Independent Commissioner of the Company (2012–2017). Appointed as Director of the Company by AGMS resolution on May 16, 2019.
Graduated from Faculty of Commerce, Majoring in Accounting, University of Western, Australia, in 1988.
Giman Sastrahandaya
An Indonesian citizen, 52 years old, domiciled in Tangerang. Appointed as Director of the Company since July 2022. Previously served as Operational General Manager (2010–2022). Appointed as Director of the Company based on the decision of EGMS on July 21, 2022
Graduated from Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya and completed the Master of Management program, Majoring in Financial Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
Ali Pranata
An Indonesian citizen, 54 years old, domiciled in Tangerang. Appointed as Director of the Company since July 2022. Previously served as General Manager Marketing (2007–2022). Appointed as Director of the Company by EGMS resolution on July 21, 2022.
Graduated from Faculty of Technology Industry, Institut Sains dan Teknologi Nasional (ISTN), Jakarta.