Financial Performance Highlights
(available soon!)
Chronology of Shares Listing
(available soon!)
Subsidiary Ownership Structure
(available soon!)
(table available soon!)
Disclosure of affiliations between members of the Board of Commissioners, Directors and majority shareholders, as follows:
- There are no affiliations among members of the Board of Directors.
- Affiliations between members of Board of Directors and members of Board of Commissioners: President Director, Wilson Agung Pranoto, is the son of Alexander Agung Pranoto who serves as the President Commissioner of the Company.
- Affiliations between members of Board of Directors and majority shareholders: President Director, Wilson Agung Pranoto, is the son of Alexander Agung Pranoto who serves as majority shareholders of the Company. He also serves as President Director of PT Maco Amangraha who serves as major controlling shareholders of the Company.
- There are no affiliations among members of the Board of Commissioners.
- Affiliations between members of Board of Commissioners and majority shareholders: President Commissioners, Alexander Agung Pranoto, who are the majority shareholders. He also serves as President Commissioners of PT Maco Amangraha who serves as major controlling shareholders of the Company.